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About Us

Nagawara Residential Welfare Association was initiated in 2010 when a group of NGOs came together with the intention of giving back to the society. We work on the area development planning and improvement. We work with all officials for our are developement and bring the transparency. Our mission is to form sustainable partnerships with cause-driven organizations, bringing our passion and harnessing our expertise to help our area commuters raise awareness, and drive positive change for all people.

Our Goal

Providing every possible guidance and assistance to the community in the process of achieving effective progress, prosperity and empowerment. Develop a network at various levels to provide guidance to our area communit in various domains.

Our Vision

Transform the community into a socially, educationally and economically advanced Community and thereby enable the members of the community to contribute significantly to the unity and prosperity of the society.

Our Mission

The mission to make the community that is socio-economically stable, self-reliant, educated and contributing members in the society. To achieve this, the Platform aims to get a clear picture of the current and updated scenario of the minority communities and destitute households across the various issues that they are facing. Once the problems and needs are identified, the Platform aims to mobilize necessary resources, NGOs, Volunteers and involving relevant authorities, bodies to help create a Realistic, Sustainable and Achievable solutions.